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Date : 2004-03-05
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Lucent Terrorism Library Civil Liberties and the War on ~ Lucent Terrorism Library Civil Liberties and the War on Terrorism Hardcover – March 5 2004 by James D Torr Author › Visit Amazons James D Torr Page Find all the books read about the author and more See search results for this author Are you an author
Treatment of Suspected Terrorists ~ Treatment of Suspected Terrorists Terrorism has both criminal and military aspects and a central issue in the war on terrorism is whether terrorist acts should be treated as crimes or as acts of war
Civil liberties and the war on terrorism Book 2004 ~ Liberty vs security a necessary tradeoff History of civil liberties during wartime Patriotism and the first amendment Government surveillance and the right to privacy The Patriot Act and the fourth amendment Discrimination against minorities and immigrants Treatment of suspected terrorists Series Title Lucent terrorism library
Civil Liberties and the War on Terror CliffsNotes ~ The governments response to September 11 raised serious civil liberties issues President Bush authorized the National Security Agency to conduct warrantless wiretaps on communications originating outside the United States from individuals suspected or known to have ties to terrorist organizations
National Security Civil Liberties and the War on Terror ~ Political and social issues are considered in a collection of recent articles and legal commentary that provides a balanced perspective and overview in a collection recommended for any collegelevel collection strong in terrorism studies
LAW AND ORDER Civil Liberties and the War on Terrorism ~ Posner argues that in warin the war on terrorism as during the Civil War our civil liberties should be curtailed to the extent that the benefits in greater security outweigh the cost in reduced liberty
CONGRESS CIVIL LIBERTIES AND THE WAR ON TERRORISM ~ for the war was misplaced people became more concerned about their freedoms No longer viewing the government as benevolent many came to value First Amendment protections and in so doing embrace the thenemerging modern civil liberties movement The failure of elected officials judges and the American people to exercise their
Terrorism and Civil Liberties ~ Terrorism particularly on the scale of the 911 attacks can force the government and the people to reevaluate the balance between civil liberties and national security It is commonly believed that in times of crisis the government with the acquiescence of the courts contracts civil liberties and that the lost liberties sometimes remain
The Role of Civil Liberties in the Fight Against Terror ~ After the September 11 attacks the government changed its domestic policies in a lot of ways that did little to keep its residents safer from terrorism even as it infringed on civil liberties and weakened basic protections against government abuses Air travelers endured years taking off their
The Civil Liberties Implications Of Counterterrorism ~ Indeed careful scrutiny of civil liberties in todays United States reveals how much the country has changed since earlier times of war or crisis In assessing Americas performance since 911 we must also keep in mind the dramatically new nature of the challenge that America and other democracies are facing in the rise of Islamist terrorism
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