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Date : 2013-09-03
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Abigail 2019 IMDb ~ A young girl Abigail lives in a city whose borders were closed many years ago because of an epidemic of a mysterious disease Abbys father was one of the sick and he was taken when she was six years old
Abigail Wikipedia ~ Abigail Hebrew אֲבִיגַיִל ’Ǎḇîḡayil was the wife of Nabal she became a wife of the future King David after Nabals death 1 Samuel 25 Abigail was Davids third wife after Sauls daughter Michal whom Saul later married to Palti son of Laish when David went into hiding and Ahinoam She became the mother of one of Davids sons who is listed in the Book of Chronicles
Abigail Definition of Abigail by MerriamWebster ~ Abigail definition is a ladys personal maid History and Etymology for abigail Abigail servant in The Scornful Lady a play by Francis Beaumont John Fletcher
Abigail Definition of Abigail at ~ Abigail definition a ladys maid See more
Abigail Girls name meaning origin and popularity ~ The fathers joy in Hebrew In the Bible Abigail is King Davids intelligent and beautiful third wife Because the biblical Abigail describes herself as King Davids handmaid its a name often given to ladies maids in literature
Meaning origin and history of the name Abigail Behind ~ From the Hebrew name אֲבִיגָיִל Avigayil meaning my father is joy derived from the roots אָב meaning father and גִּיל meaning joy In the Old Testament this is the name of Nabals wife After Nabals death she became the third wife of King David As an English name Abigail first became common after the Protestant Reformation and it was popular among the Puritans
Name Abigail Name Meaning Origin and Popularity Baby ~ The name Abigail means Joy Of The Father and is of Hebrew origin Abigail is a name thats been used by parents who are considering baby names for girls The most common nickname for Abigail is Abby
Abigail Name Meaning What does Abigail mean ~ How popular is Abigail Abigail is a very prominent first name for women 520 out of 4276 Top 12 but an uncommon surname for all people 2000 DEMOGRAPHICS
Abigail name Wikipedia ~ Abigail is a female given name The name comes from the Hebrew name אֲבִיגַיִל אֲבִיגָיִל Avigail meaning my fathers joy alternatively my father is exultation or my father is joy It is also a surname
Abigail Stardew Valley Wiki ~ Abigail is a villager who lives at Pierres General Store in Pelican is one of the twelve characters available to marry Schedule On Sunny days during SpringSummerFall shell often be standing on the bridge at the river east of Pierres General Store
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