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Saturday, November 2, 2019

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Date : 2000-12-01

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Socrates Facts for Kids ~ Socrates is seen by some people as a martyr since he willingly died to support the idea that knowledge and wisdom are very important to our lives Socrates is known as one of the most important philosophers in history He is often described as the father of Western philosophy He did not start Western philosophy but he had a big influence on it

Socrates the Great Teacher for Kids Ancient Greece for Kids ~ Socrates drank poison and killed himself It was a sad day for educators and for free thinking people in ancient Athens How trials were conducted in ancient Athens

Socrates Kids Britannica Kids Homework Help ~ 470–399 bc Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher He is respected as a brilliant thinker and teacher with a great thirst for knowledge Along with two other Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato Socrates is remembered for developing ideas and thoughts that led to the Western culture that exists today

Socrates Biography Ducksters ~ Kids learn about the biography of famous Greek philosopher Socrates including his early life soldier becoming a philosopher and teacher the Socratic Method trial death and fun facts Parents and Teachers Support Ducksters by following us on or History Biography

Plato Facts for Kids ~ Plato was one of the greatest classical Greek lived from 427 BC to 348 BC He was a student of Socrates and the teacher of wrote about many ideas in philosophy that are still talked about today One modern philosopher Alfred North Whitehead said that all philosophy since Plato has just been comments on his wrote his books in the form of dialogues

Who Was Socrates – 8Bit Philosophy ~ Press Start for “Who Was Socrates” by 8Bit Philosophy where classic video games introduce famous thinkers problems and concepts with quotes teachings and more Episode 18 Who Was Socrates

195 Socrates 469399 Respectfully Quoted A ~ Attributed to SOCRATES by Plato according to William L Patty and Louise S Johnson Personality and Adjustment p 277 1953 This passage was very popular in the 1960s and its essence was used by the Mayor of Amsterdam Gijsbert van Hall following a street demonstration in 1966 as reported by The New York Times April 3 1966 p 16

Socrates Biography Philosophy Beliefs Facts ~ Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher one of the three greatest figures of the ancient period of Western philosophy the others were Plato and Aristotle who lived in Athens in the 5th century BCEA legendary figure even in his own time he was admired by his followers for his integrity his selfmastery his profound philosophical insight and his great argumentative skill

Misbehaving Children in Ancient Times – Quote Investigator ~ Dear Quote Investigator There is a great quote by Plato or Socrates about the misbehavior of children in antiquity that I read in the New York quote shows that the problems between generations are not just a recent occurrence Instead the conflicts between parents and offspring are timeless NY8

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