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Ferdinand Magellan Groundbreakers Explorers Struan ~ Ferdinand Magellan Groundbreakers Explorers Struan Reid on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Reid Struan
Ferdinand Magellan Biography Voyage Discoveries Death ~ Ferdinand Magellan is best known for being an explorer for Portugal and later Spain who discovered the Strait of Magellan while leading the first expedition to successfully circumnavigate the globe He died en route and Juan Sebastián del Cano completed it
Ferdinand Magellan Route Facts Death Biography ~ While in the service of Spain the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan led the first European voyage of discovery to circumnavigate the globe Ferdinand Magellan was born in Portugal circa 1480 As a boy he studied mapmaking and navigation By his mid20s he was sailing in large fleets and was engaged in combat
Ferdinand Magellan World Explorer ~ Ferdinand Magellan 14801521 was a Portuguese explorer who led the first expedition that sailed around the Earth 15191522 Magellan also named the Pacific Ocean the name means that it is a calm peaceful ocean Magellan was born in Northern Portugal either in Sabrosa or in Oporto
Ferdinand Magellan All About Explorers ~ Ferdinand Magellan This Portuguese explorer was born on October 12 1492 in southern Spain It is an amazing coincidence that he eventually became a world explorer because that is the day Christopher Columbus first landed in El Salvador thus discovering a New World
Mr Nussbaum Ferdinand Magellan Biography ~ Ferdinand Magellan was born in Sabrosa Portugal in 1480 into a noble family After serving as a court page for two years his adventurous spirit led him to a career as an explorer In 1506 Magellan went to the Spice Islands Indonesia to participate in several military and exploratory expeditions
Ferdinand Magellan Facts Biography Live Science ~ Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe Like many of his contemporaries Magellan set out to discover a Western sea route to the Spice Islands in Indonesia
Explorers for Kids Ferdinand Magellan ~ Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to sail all the way around the world He also discovered a passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean that is today called the Straits of Magellan Growing Up Ferdinand Magellan was born in 1480 in northern Portugal He grew up in a wealthy family and served as a page in the royal court
Ferdinand Magellan Wikipedia ~ Ferdinand Magellan məˈɡɛlən or məˈdʒɛlən Portuguese Fernão de Magalhães IPA fɨɾˈnɐ̃w dɨ mɐɣɐˈʎɐ̃jʃ Spanish Fernando de Magallanes IPA feɾˈnando ðe maɣaˈʎanes c 1480 – 27 April 1521 was a Portuguese explorer who organised the Spanish expedition to the East Indies from 1519 to 1522 resulting in the first circumnavigation of the
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